
Video Deidentification tools, services

Page history last edited by Cory Schaffhausen 10 years ago

Original request:


I recall a recent request for something along the lines of help to manage interview video footage, and I see a wiki page for video production, but I have a request that is slightly different.  The group I am working with has this need:


"Here are the basic features I need:


  • crop – remove first x minutes, last y minutes
  • blur – faces, logos, etc
  • video storage
  • video streaming
  • encrypted, private


YouTube video editing comes really close, but I need more fine-grained control over blurring. I also need better licensing. Currently the only license and rights ownership choices are “Standard YouTube License” (they own it) or “Creative Commons – Attribution”. I want “Private/Personal Video License”."


One reply:


Vimeo or even Wistia (cool video SEO analytics platform, btw) for the storage, streaming, privacy controls.

I suspect you'd be better off using separate basic video editing software like Camtasia or even iMovie.

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