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Optics Consultants

Page history last edited by Dave Franchino 13 years ago


We’re looking for a consultant who could assist us with a medical device requiring some optical imaging design.  I thought I recalled a similar thread in the past but in searching the wiki for optics I could not find anything. 

Thanks in advance…





From: Eric Schultz [mailto:eric@schultzdesigngroup.com] On Behalf Of eschultz@stanfordalumni.org
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 1:25 PM
To: Dave Franchino
Cc: design-alumni@lists.stanford.edu
Subject: RE: [design] Optics Consultants?




They have offer an initial assessment of your project for $2K (their discover service).


Also Greenlight Optics (a bit more full service) and Optics for Hire (a better price).


If you are looking for camera optics, I have worked with Triformix in Santa Rosa.







From: Stephen D. Fantone [mailto:sdfantone@optikos.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 11:43 AM
To: Lawrence Shubert; Dave Franchino
Subject: RE: [design] Optics Consultants?




We can certainly help. Feel free to contact me at your convenience. We have a broad range of experience working with companies  and product development firms.  Regards, SDF


Stephen D. Fantone, Ph.D.


Optikos Corporation

107 Audubon Road, Bldg. 3

Wakefield, MA 01880 USA


"Bringing Innovative Solutions into Focus"

617-902-3100 direct dial617-902-3153 direct fax617-354-7557 main number 617-354-5946 main fax






From: Stephen Dorow [mailto:drumboy10@comcast.net]
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 11:21 AM
To: Dave Franchino
Subject: RE: [design] Optics Consultants?


Try these guys – I worked at InFocus on digital projectors with some of them for many years.


http://www.theiatech.com/design.php  (very talented guys, may be a bit pricey)


http://www.pachydermoptical.com  (not as technically proficient, but maybe more cost-effective depending on your application)




From: Jonathan S. Kane [mailto:jon@computeroptics.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 2:01 PM
To: Jeff Emmerich
Subject: RE: Confidentiality Agreement and CV request 


Hi Jeff, 


Here is some fodder: 

Dr. Jonathan S. Kane 




     Boston University                                                                           1990-1996 

     Boston, Mass. 

     Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering  


     Tufts University                                                                                            1987-1989 

     Medford, Mass. 

     Masters of Science in Electro-Optics 


     Massachusetts Institute of Technology                                            1983-1987 

     Cambridge, Mass. 

     Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering 


 Work Experience 

     Computer Optics Inc.                                                                            1998-Present 

     Hudson, NH 


President and Chief Technology Officer. Responsibilities include management, control of operations, customer acquisition and retention.  Dr. Kane also acts to determine the technical direction of the company.  


     Computer Optics Inc.                                                                   1996-Present 

     Hudson, NH 


Director of Research and Development. Current research interests include optical test and measurement equipment, electro-optical systems and novel scanning systems.  During tenure completed work on MEMS optical switch technology and optically compensated infrared zoom lens. 


     Optical Signal Processing Branch, Rome Laboratory                   1989-1996 

     Lexington, Mass. 


Senior scientist in charge of basic research in Electro-optics and signal processing.  Research interests included neural networks, photorefractives, binary phase only filter  architectures, optical correlators and smart pixel research. Founded and directed research in smart pixel architectures. Co-invented novel ferroelectric spatial light modulator with integrated lenslet arrays. 


     MIT Lincoln Laboratory                                                              1991-1992 

     Lexington, Mass. 


Part time appointment in the Binary Optics design group. Designed and constructed a dual-sided lithographic pattern generator. Also assisted in the design and experimental characterization of a diffractive optic testing element. 


Representative Published Papers (Journals) : 


"Optoelectronic Winner-Take-All VLSI Shunting Neural Network",  J. S. Kane and T.G. Kincaid, IEEE transactions on Neural Networks, Vol 6., Number 5, pp 1275-1279,September 1995. 

"Two-port photorefractive joint-transform correlator", G. Asimellis, J. Khoury, J. S. Kane and C.L. Woods, Optics Letters, Vol. 20, No. 24, December 15, 1995. 

"Realizing Optical logic with a smart spatial light modulator", J. S. Kane, T.     Grycewicz and T. G. Kincaid",  Applied Optics, April,1996. 

"The Smart Sensor : A front end device for feature extraction from input images", J.S. Kane, D. C. Burdick, F. O. Arntz, and W. Brouwer, SPIE, Orlando, April 1989. 

“Approaching machine vision from the optical point of view”, J.S. Kane, Laser Focus World, June 1998. 






Dr. Kane has 10 patents issued which cover optics and optical data processing. 


PAT. NO.Title: 


1.     6,681,063 Low voltage micro-mirror array light beam switch 

2.     6,379,510 Method of making a low voltage micro-mirror array light beam switch  

3.     5,903,390 Two port nonlinear joint transform correlator 

4.     5,859,713 Imaging in a scattering medium using photon density waves 

5.     5,684,588 Homodyne and hetrodyne imaging in a light scattering medium 

6.     5,654,538 Optically addressed general purpose programmable logic device 

7.     5,377,210 Self-pumped optical phase conjugation with a sodium Raman laser 

8.     5,361,222 Binary phase only filter associative memory 

9.     5,352,886 Micro non-imaging light concentrators for image sensors with a lenslet array 

10. 7,189,226,  Coaxial illuminated laser endoscopic probe and active numerical aperture control 






Dr. Jonathan S. Kane
President, Computer Optics Inc.
(V) 603-889-2116 (F) 603-889-2393
Everything under one roof for Precision Custom Optics  

Also see www.irzoom.com  for our new line 

of zoom lenses or e-mail to jon@irzoom.com  


PS. Please note our NEW mailing address 

PO Box 240, Hudson NH 03051 



From: Jonathan S. Kane [mailto:jon@computeroptics.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 2:01 PM
To: Jeff Emmerich
Subject: RE: Confidentiality Agreement and CV request


Hi Jeff,


Here is some fodder:

Dr. Jonathan S. Kane




     Boston University                                                                           1990-1996

     Boston, Mass.

     Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering


     Tufts University                                                                                            1987-1989

     Medford, Mass.

     Masters of Science in Electro-Optics


     Massachusetts Institute of Technology                                            1983-1987

     Cambridge, Mass.

     Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering


 Work Experience

     Computer Optics Inc.                                                                            1998-Present

     Hudson, NH


President and Chief Technology Officer. Responsibilities include management, control of operations, customer acquisition and retention.  Dr. Kane also acts to determine the technical direction of the company.


     Computer Optics Inc.                                                                   1996-Present

     Hudson, NH


Director of Research and Development. Current research interests include optical test and measurement equipment, electro-optical systems and novel scanning systems.  During tenure completed work on MEMS optical switch technology and optically compensated infrared zoom lens.


     Optical Signal Processing Branch, Rome Laboratory                   1989-1996

     Lexington, Mass.


Senior scientist in charge of basic research in Electro-optics and signal processing.  Research interests included neural networks, photorefractives, binary phase only filter  architectures, optical correlators and smart pixel research. Founded and directed research in smart pixel architectures. Co-invented novel ferroelectric spatial light modulator with integrated lenslet arrays.


     MIT Lincoln Laboratory                                                              1991-1992

     Lexington, Mass.


Part time appointment in the Binary Optics design group. Designed and constructed a dual-sided lithographic pattern generator. Also assisted in the design and experimental characterization of a diffractive optic testing element.


Representative Published Papers (Journals) :


"Optoelectronic Winner-Take-All VLSI Shunting Neural Network",  J. S. Kane and T.G. Kincaid, IEEE transactions on Neural Networks, Vol 6., Number 5, pp 1275-1279,September 1995.

"Two-port photorefractive joint-transform correlator", G. Asimellis, J. Khoury, J. S. Kane and C.L. Woods, Optics Letters, Vol. 20, No. 24, December 15, 1995.

"Realizing Optical logic with a smart spatial light modulator", J. S. Kane, T.     Grycewicz and T. G. Kincaid",  Applied Optics, April,1996.

"The Smart Sensor : A front end device for feature extraction from input images", J.S. Kane, D. C. Burdick, F. O. Arntz, and W. Brouwer, SPIE, Orlando, April 1989.

“Approaching machine vision from the optical point of view”, J.S. Kane, Laser Focus World, June 1998.






Dr. Kane has 10 patents issued which cover optics and optical data processing.


PAT. NO.Title:


  1. 6,681,063 Low voltage micro-mirror array light beam switch
  2. 6,379,510 Method of making a low voltage micro-mirror array light beam switch
  3. 5,903,390 Two port nonlinear joint transform correlator
  4. 5,859,713 Imaging in a scattering medium using photon density waves
  5. 5,684,588 Homodyne and hetrodyne imaging in a light scattering medium
  6. 5,654,538 Optically addressed general purpose programmable logic device
  7. 5,377,210 Self-pumped optical phase conjugation with a sodium Raman laser
  8. 5,361,222 Binary phase only filter associative memory
  9. 5,352,886 Micro non-imaging light concentrators for image sensors with a lenslet array

10. 7,189,226,  Coaxial illuminated laser endoscopic probe and active numerical aperture control






Dr. Jonathan S. Kane
President, Computer Optics Inc.
(V) 603-889-2116 (F) 603-889-2393
Everything under one roof for Precision Custom Optics

Also see www.irzoom.com  for our new line

of zoom lenses or e-mail to jon@irzoom.com


PS. Please note our NEW mailing address

PO Box 240, Hudson NH 03051


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