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Printing Houses for Small Runs

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago

Date: 06:06 PM GMT, 10/25/2004

From: "Hsiao-Yun Chu"


Thanks for your responses. FYI.

Compilation: Printing houses for small runs


I used a place in san Francisco called “storm” (with two m’s). they are cheap, fast, and polite





I always go with Techni-graphics, Inc. (415-397-4777). They have a small press, so don't charge an arm and a leg for work. And, the owner, BOB, is super nice.

They are located on Jesse St. in San Francisco.



We used Golden Dragon Printing in South SF for our wedding invites...4-color job with die cut and folding, 200 units, not too shabby.

Golden Dragon Printing, Inc.

669 Mississippi Street

San Francisco, CA 94107

Phone: 415.824.9610



Rapid Displays

We can definitely help you out. We are in Union City, just north of Fremont . Approximately what size and material of package and printing type are you interested in? I’m cc’ing Buford from sales who can get you an estimate of all or part of the job depending on how you’d like to work it out. We are Rapid Displays and I work on permanent (made of wood, metal, plastic) displays, but our core business is temporary displays (made of corrugated, card, tag, fome-cor, sintra, etc.).

510 487 0700 x220



Check out Jungle on High street.

Not sure what they'll charge... but maybe good.


One place to look is New Leaf Paper (newleafpaper.com). They're a

supplier of "environmentally responsible, economically sound paper"

and they can probably help point you toward someone.

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