
QC Agencies

Page history last edited by Anna Rabinowicz 5 years, 2 months ago

Original query:


Hello all,


We are looking for a good agency or consultant to do QC for us in China - Yangjiang and Shenzhen.    


Thanks in advance for any recommendations!




From: Tony Hu [mailto:tonyhu@earthlink.net]
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2019 12:35 PM
To: Anna Rabinowicz <anna@rablabs.com>
Cc: Design Alumni <design-alumni@lists.stanford.edu>
Subject: Re: [design] QC agency - China


Hi Anna!


If you're looking for pre-shipment inspections, I've worked with some of the big firms (Bureau Veritas, SGS, Intertek) but have had the best results with Qima. They offer an easy online form for creating inspection specs and provide very detailed reports.


Good luck!



Brainy Yak Labs


From: Ed Wood [mailto:the.ed.wood@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 12:10 AM
To: Anna Rabinowicz <anna@rablabs.com>
Subject: Re: [design] QC agency - China


Ok here a a few people. Initial contact went through Herman, Dania initially coordinated Dragon's internal assignment of the team, then Anna was our account lead and PM while David was the guy in the factory and coordinating vendors. Bill and Dan are internal team members who help with a variety of things. 


Herman Pang (President): herman@dragoninnovation.com


Dania Lieberthal: dania@dragoninnovation.com


Anna Thorton: anna@dragoninnovation.com


David Zhang: dzhang@dragoninnovation.com


Bill Drislane: bill@dragoninnovation.com


Dan Long: dan@dragoninnovation.com


From: Ryan Vinyard [mailto:ryan.vinyard@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 12:12 PM
To: anna@rablabs.com
Subject: Re: [design] QC agency - China


Hi Anna,


Dragon Innovation would be good to help with this - https://www.dragoninnovation.com/


Kaethe handles their incoming business and is very helpful - kaethe@dragoninnovation.com






From: Robert Miros [mailto:robert@3rdstonedesign.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 3:56 PM
To: anna@rablabs.com
Subject: RE: [design] QC agency - China


Hi Anna,


We’ve been enjoying working with Asia Quality Focus. They used to be called In Touch Quality. They can do all manner of inspections and audits – including routine production spot checks or in-line. They have a specialization in softgoods, but really only do hardgoods for us at the moment so they are versatile.


You can contact the CEO directly, Oliver Knack. Please use my name and 3rd Stone Design. He’s visited our offices in person and we likewise have been to his numerous times now. Hard working team with the right attitude and great systems.








From: Louis Hsiao [mailto:Louis@popconcepts.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 3:34 PM
To: anna@rablabs.com
Subject: Re: [design] QC agency - China




I have forwarded your request to our factory in China (Dongguan area).  They will forward your contact to some QC services and they will contact you directly.  Stay tuned.



Louis Hsiao


Concept Designs Inc. 
| 981 Commercial St. Palo Alto, CA 94303 | www.conceptdesignsinc.com | P 650 213 9900 x101| F 650 213 9902 | C 650 823 9662



From: Mike Knuepfel [mailto:knuepfel@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 8:29 AM
To: Anna Rabinowicz <anna@rablabs.com>
Cc: Design Alumni <design-alumni@lists.stanford.edu>
Subject: Re: [design] QC agency - China







I would also recommend QIMA: https://www.qima.com.  I used them for a textile inspection on mainland China.  They were on the ground in less than 48 hours.  The vendor set up was easy and all can be done on-line.


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