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Video Production (Bay Area 2019)

Page history last edited by Chris Miksovsky 5 years, 1 month ago

Original email:

Hi All -


Does anyone have any recommendations on good video production firms or contractors, preferably in the Bay Area? We’re looking for soup-to-nuts work on a video for a forthcoming consumer product. I’ll compile and post any leads to the wiki (last post in this vein was from 2010, so the info there is pretty dated). Thanks.






Definitely recommend Brian at Atomic d.  I have worked with him over the years and he is great! 

Atomic d. 


Brian Cibula - briancibula@atomicd.co



Check out True Stories (https://www.truestoriessf.com/). My friend and colleague Jordan Olshansky is the founder/principal. They do beautiful work, especially with people/interviews, if you’re thinking of including that in your vid. 




We used this guy for our tiltpod kickstarter video...he normally does a bunch of car commercials, training videos, etc.  He's even edited a full-length feature. 




Here are a few folks that I swear by - most of them are one man shops that can take on appropriately sized projects. 






As for production houses I'd look into 






 i think they're quite legit. fun group to work with.



We are a soup to nuts video company (plus lots more).  We’re just about to update our website (it was cobbled together 4 years ago), so feel free to check out our vimeo site with many more videos and our capabilities deck. 

Brian Cibula | Executive Producer


e: briancibula@atomicd.co

p: 847-815-6489

a: 435 Harriet Street, 2nd Floor

    San Francisco, CA 94103

w: www.atomicd.co




My friend at Mycoworks worked with this studio:




I didn't work directly with them but liked the output:




American Biograph Pictures.




Ntropic (more visual effects than film production)




I’ve been on teams with both these guys, worked closer with ABP. Great talent, easy going when it comes to people, no nonsense when it comes to producing great work.



Todd and Benita at onestonefilm.com

Small shop, incredible folks. They are currently booked up but available starting in mid-September.




Greg Fulcher at 1013 Media is top notch, and a real joy to work with on top of it all.




The two guys who were the video team at Square when I was there started their own thing doing mostly startup product videos. They’re both excellent guys to work with.  





Good luck with the search.  

Please contact Joshua Mork at Scorpion in SoCal.  You cannot do better!  This agency has many Bay Area clients, and their work is award-winning - and highly effective.  They can be on the spot for a meeting ASAP.


Joshua Mork

Senior Video Editor 




You can also reach Josh directly on e-mail at Josh.Mork@Scorpion.co


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