Created 20180919
Peter Russo:
I’ve worked with Bill Baringer on a couple of tough BLE projects, from initial design to FCC certification. He’s a general RF consultant (not just BLE-specific), and can definitely advise you on the issues you noted, and a lot more. Highly recommend.
Dave Tizler:
We had similar issues at Sano.
Proximity to large sacks of salty water(humans) kills antenna performance also. We were using a Jacobsen chip antenna with mixed success.
Bill Barringer is super knowledgeable
William Baringer
skype: w_baringer
Dave Franchino:
I don’t really know these guys well but we run across them every now and then.
Brian Rulifson:
I only briefly worked with Hamid on a project at SoundID, but he was well versed with these Bluetooth concerns. I don’t have a current email for him, but here’s his linkedin profile:
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